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This report was prepared as a part of International Class 2021 by the students of Energy and Environmental Management (EEM) at Europa-Universität Flensburg. The digital international Class of 2021 was an unique and challenging experience for all the students, faculty members and the Loop Head communities. It is a great credit to all involved that this report was created with the level of community interaction it achieved over Zoom despite the constraints imposed by the Covid Lockdown.
Throughout this report, the importance of the community energy planning process is palpable as it provided a high degree of ownership and control to community members in the conceptual design for the development of a local sustainable energy sector. Throughout, the international class 2021 involved and interacted with the local community of the peninsula to get a better understanding of their perspective of the energy sector and their preferences, on which this study is based. Also, inputs were taken from the previous study of IC 2020 to consolidate the working sectors of residential, farming, energy modelling and community energy training.